Tressa Colozone

Basic Information

Gender Age Job Equipment Property
Female 18 Merchant Spear・Bow Wind


Tressa worked as a merchant at the lodging home run by her parents in the port city known as the Coastland Region. Tressa spent a lot of days lost in thought while looking at the sea. What do I want to do? What do I want to get? “What’s beyond the horizon?” And one day, a merchant ship arrives before her.

Path Action

Command to buy items from people in towns, villages, etc.

In towns and villages, you can buy rare items etc. that are rarely available in the usual way from people. It also makes it possible to solve the problem by giving the item to the person who is in trouble because there is no specific item.


“Eye for Money
Unique action in which money is accumulated simply by walking in the field

Just walking in the field that meet enemies, the money accumulates little by little.


Ability Name SP Effect
Collect 2 Collect money from a single foe.
Tradewinds 7 Deal heavy wind damage to a single foe.
Rest 0 Restore one’s own HP and SP and cure status ailments.
Trade Tempest 10 Deal wind damage to all foes.
Donate BP 3 Grant 1 BP to an ally.
Sidestep 10 Dodge a single physical attack with a 100% success rate.
Hired Help 0 Pay money to summon hired help to the battlefield.
Bifelgan’s Bounty 30 Unleash a non-elemental attack on a single foe and receive equivalent to the damage dealt.

Support slills

Ability Name Learning term
Endless Items When a character with this skill uses an item, there is a 25% chance the item will not be consumed.
Grows on Trees Increases money earned
Hang Tough When the user is not near death, all attacks that would reduce the user’s HP below zero will instead leave the user with 1 HP
SP Saver Halves SP consumption for the equipping character.