Items List

Price Effect
Healing Grape 50 Restores HP to a single ally Store: Cobbleston, Sunshade,Rippletide, Clearbook, S’warkii, Bolderfall, Atlasdam, Flamesgrace
Healing Grape(M) Greatly restores HP to a single ally
Healing Grape Restores HP to all allies
Inspiriting Plum 240 Restores SP to a single ally Store: Cobbleston, Sunshade,Rippletide, Clearbook, S’warkii, Bolderfall, Atlasdam, Flamesgrace
Inspiriting Plum(M) Greatly restores SP to a single ally
Refreshing Jam Restores HP and SP to a single ally
Olive of Life 500 Revives and restores HP to a single fallen ally Store: Cobbleston, Sunshade,Rippletide, Clearbook, S’warkii, Bolderfall, Atlasdam, Flamesgrace
Olive of Life(M) Revives and greatly restores HP to a single fallen ally
Herb of Clamor 30 Cures a single ally of silence Store: Cobbleston, Atlasdam, Flamesgrace
Herb of Healing 30 Cures a single ally of poison Store: Sunshade, Rippletide, Clearbook
Herb of Valor 30 Cures a single ally of terror Store: Bolderfall, Flamesgrace
Herb of Clarity 30 Cures a single ally of confusion Store: Rippletide, Bolderfall
Herb of Light 30 Cures a single of blindness Store: Sunshade, S’warkii, Atlasdam
Herb of Awakening 30 Awakens a single sleeping ally Store: Cobbleston, Sunshade, Clearbook, S’warkii
Herb of Revival 30 Revives a single unconscious ally Store: Cobbleston, S’warkii, Atlasdam
Bottle of Poison Dust inflicts poison on a single foe with a given probability
Fire Soulstone Deals fire damage to all foes
Fire Soulstone(M) Deals greatly fire damage to all foes
Ice Soulstone Deals ice damage to all foes
Ice Soulstone(M) Deals greatly ice damage to all foes
Thunder Soulsotone Deals lightning damage to all foes
Thunder Soulsotone(M) Deals greatly lightning damage to all foes
Wind Soulsotone Deals wind damage to all foes
Wind Soulsotone(M) Deals greatly wind damage to all foes
Light Soulsotone Deals light damage to all foes
Light Soulsotone(M) Deals greatly light damage to all foes
Magic Nut increases elemental attack
Slippery Nut increases evasion
Candy Slightly restores HP to a single ally
Tree Nut Slightly restores SP to a single ally
Old Coin Fetches a fair price if sold