Alfyn Greengrass

Basic Information

Gender Age Job Equipment Property
Male 21 Apothecary Axe Ice


Your name is Alfyn, and you are an apothecary. You treat the wounded and sick in a small village amid the babbling brooks of the Riverlands. Stricken ill as a child, you were saved by a traveler who asked for nothing in return, inspiring you to follow in his footsteps. Though hesitant to leave the only home you’ve known, your best friend convinces you to follow your dream, wherever it may lead you…

Path Action

Commands to extract information that other characters can not get

From people in towns and villages you can hear special information that other characters can not know. It is possible to draw out from the people the information of the shop’s merchandise, the location of the hidden item, and the secret information of the person.


Action to create new items by combining materials

You can combine special materials to create new items.
Items that can be created by compounding are rich in variety, such as damaging items and recovery items, etc.


Ability Name SP Effect
First Aid 4 Restore HP to a single ally.
Icicle 7 Deal ice damage to a single foe.
Rehabilitate 10 Cure a single ally of all status ailments, and render them immune to further status ailments for 2 turns.
Amputation 8 Unleash an axe attack on a single foe.
Empoison 6 Poison a single foe for 2 turns.
Vivify 16 Revive a single incapacitated ally.
Last Stand 16 Attack all foes with an axe, dealing damage inversely proportional to your current HP.
Dohter’s Clarity 30 For 3 turns, items used by a single chosen ally will affect all.

Support slills

Skill Name Effect
Inspiration With each successful standard attack, gain SP equal to 1% of the damage you deal.
Hale and Hearty Increases maximum HP by 500.
Resist Ailments Improves resistance to poison, sleep, confusion, blindness, silence, terror, and unconsciousness.
Heightened Healing Gain an additional 30% HP or SP when being healed or restored.