
Basic Information

Gender Age Job Equipment Property
Female 26 Hunter Bow・Axe Thunder


Your name is H’aanit, and you are a hunter. One of the last descendants of an ancient clan that calls the deep forest home, your prowess with the bow is unmatched. Your master left home one year ago, summoned to hunt a dread beast, and you protected the village while awaiting his return. Then, one day, the return of an old friend gives you cause for concern, and you strike out on a journey of your own.​

Path Action

Command that manipulate monsters and threaten harassers

You can manipulate and threaten monsters against a bother. It is also possible to drive out demons and people, who disturb the road, people who are disturbing.


Action that can catch and manipulate demons

You can catch monsters during a battle. You can use caught demons in “Plovoke” of Path Action or call them as assistants during battle. In order to capture a powerful enemy, it is necessary to raise the level of the H’aanit.


Ability Name SP Effect
Rain of Arrows 8 Attack random foes 5 to 8 times with a bow.
True Strike 10 Deal critical damage with a bow to a single foe.
Thunderbird 7 Deal heavy lighting damage to a single foe.
Leghold Trap 6 Cause a single foe to act at the end of the turn for 2 turns.
Mercy Strike 4 Attack a single foe with a bow. Otherwise lethal attacks will instead leave the target with 1 HP.
Arrowstorm 24 Attack all foes 5 to 8 times with a bow.
Take Aim 8 Increase all allies’ critical rate and accuracy for 2 turns.
Daefrendi’s Rage 30 Unleash powerful bow attack on every enemy.

Support slills

Skill Name Effect
Heighten Senses Gain an increased chance of attack first in a battle. Equipping this skill with multiple characters will have no added effect.
Eagle Eye Increases the critical of the equipped character by 50.
Second Serving Gives the equipping character a 50% chance of attacking twice when performing a standard attack.
Patience At the end of the turn, gives the equipped character a 25% chance of moving again.