Primrose Azelhart

Basic Information

Gender Age Job Equipment Property
Female 23 Dancer Daggers Dark


Your name is Primrose, and you are a dancer. You ply your trade in the pleasure district of the town of Sunshade, shrouded forever in darkness. But in truth, you are a highborn daughter of the once-proud House Azelhart, an identity you conceal from all. “Three men bearing the mark of the crow. They took my father from me.” But you will have your revenge.

Path Action

Action that can take people another place by temptation

By using Allure to make a companion a person blocking the way, you can open the way that was blocked by a person.  By choosing the command of “Summon” in battle, the companion will help us in the battle.


Command that the companion helps us and fight with us during the battle

You can let a companion tempted by “Allure” participate in the battle. Also, Ophilia can also use “Summon”. So if you activate it at the same time, you can fight at 6 menbers in total.


Ability Name SP Effect
Lion Dance 4 One ally’s physical attacks becomes more powerful for two turns.
Moonlight Waltz 7 Deal heavy dark damage to a single foe.
Peacock Strut 4 Augment a single ally’s elemental attacks for 2 turns.
Mole Dance 4 Augment a single ally’s physical defense for 2 turns.
Night Ode 10 Deal dark damage to all foes
Panther Dance 4 Increase a single ally’s speed for 2 turns.
Bewildering Grace 25 Cause a curious effect to occur one time. The effects can be positive or negative, each BP used triggers an additional effect. →Effect list is here
Sealticge’s Seduction 30 For 3 turns, skills performed by a single ally that usually target one for will affect all foes instead. (This will not affect divine skills.)

Support slills

Skill Name Learning term
The Show Goes On Status augmentations you grant to allies will persist for one additional turn.
Eye for an Eye 50% chance to counterattack when hit
Second: Wind Recover a certain amount of SP each turn (Note: the user that told me of this ability said that he was getting 5 SP back for turn, but it’s uncertain whether it’s a flat amount or based off a percentage of the total SP).
Encore Once per battle, upon being incapacitated you will recover with 25% of your maximum HP.