Bows List

Price Phys. Atk. Elem. Atk. Accuracy Critical
Longbow +8 +1 +2 Initial equipment of Tressa and H’annit
Composite Bow 800 +18 +16 +20 Store: S’warkii
Wolf’s Bow 2,600 +42 +34 +22 Store: Rippletide, S’warkii, Bolderfall, Flamesgrace
Killer Bow 8,000 +60 +30 +30 Store: Flamesgrace
Heavy Bow +69 +66 +44 Treasure box in Whistling Cavern
Soldier’s Longbow 12,000 +98 +14 Attack: Occasionally decreases target’s Phys. Def.
Store: S’warkii